June 29 /Tuesday/, 7 pm
Chamber Hall – Plovdiv Drama Theatre
Kinesis Contemporary Dance Company
The thought process of human beings is complex and endless. When we stop, while the world keeps spinning frantically, we find ourselves in a spiral of thoughts and assumptions that make the certainties built on models imposed by society fall.
This production was created to talk about the society we live in and the clichés it passes on to us every day:
"the will to start from an hypothetical HUMAN CAPITAL, passing through a surreal escape, until we become aware of the world we live in".
Concept and choreography: Angelo Egarese
Dancers: Eva Ciletta, Aurora Gamberini, Elena Alessia Hodor, Sara Moriani, Riccardo Zoppi.
Kinesis CDC, Consiglio Regionale della Toscana, Fondazione CR di Firenze, Regione Toscana, con il supporto di Florence Dance Festival, DAC dance art culture
Kinesis Contemporary Dance Company is a Florentine project started in 2012 from the idea of Angelo Egarese and Elena Salvestrini.
It stems from the need to show their vision of contemporary dance, creating a professional
company where research and experimentation blend into a unique expression. This allows Kinesis to offer to a heterogeneous audience a limitless language where choreography and theatricality constantly intertwine.
Main partners: Tuscany region, Fondazione CR di Firenze.
This guest performance is supported by the Italian Cultural Institute in Bulgaria.